Fruit Are Here

Maps and mapping to support urban foraging in Atlanta.
Concrete Jungle is a non-profit based in Atlanta that provides fresh food to those in need. These fruits and vegetables are foraged, gleaned, and farmed, and then given to food pantries, shelters, and other social service providers in Atlanta and Athens. Keeping track of fruit trees and bushes for foraging is a challenge, especially when they number into the thousands, which they do in Atlanta!
As part of ongoing collaborations with Concrete Jungle, we are exploring how to use geographic information systems and public and participatory mapping to document and track the location and availability of fruit that can be foraged in Atlanta. Through these collaborations, we hope to support the work of foraging as a civic practice of care.
Working together with members of Concrete Jungle, we created the current version of their fruit map, which you can access from their website.
We are in the process of re-designing the map, with the hope of having a new map and platform by Summer 2023.
Concept and Research: Karl Kim, Craig Durkin, and Carl DiSalvo
Software: Karl Kim and Craig Durkin
Related Publications:
DiSalvo, Carl. 2022. Design as Democratic Inquiry. MIT Press.